Fruit trees alley in Zálesie (next to the planned cycling route)

Ovocná alej Zálesie (fruit trees alley) received 2543 votes. Thank you!

With great joy and the desire to continue with quality projects, we announce that the Ovocná alej project has received 2543 votes! Thanks to your support, it will serve us all, but also birds and insects, for which greenery will create a living space.

Not only we will feel the benefits of planting, it is an idea for future generations. The alley will be a green oasis, a pleasant route for cyclists, runners and pedestrians. It will refresh you with colds and fruits, it will be a feast for the eyes and will connect the community of people in Zálesie and its surroundings. The civic association Naše Zálesíčko cares about what the space we all share together looks like.

We are already looking forward to a walk through the Fruit Alley.
Thanks again!

Trees are our green insurance for the future – they provide shade for the cyclist, coolness on foot, for insects and birds they are a living space, reduce dust, retain water and determine the shape of the landscape.

If we want a greener future, we must act now. We are very happy that they chose Ovocná alej among the best, while up to 166 projects from all over Slovakia were registered.

If the project receives funds, Ovocná alej will grow next to the cycle route that connects Dva mosty and Korzo Zálesie. It is an idea that we can implement now and will benefit future generations.